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Dear inhabitants of Best,
23 Charity organisations have a joint collection in Best from April 11 – April 15 2023

This letter informs you on this joint initiative
What is the Charities Week Best (in dutch: Goede Doelen Week Best)?

• Instead of all kinds of different collections, from now on only 1 collector will come to the door on
behalf of the 23 Charities that have joined forces in the non-profit organisation “Stichting Goede
Doelen Week Best”.

• You can decide for yourself to which Charities you want to donate. All participating Charities have
the CBF quality mark (Central Bureau for Fundraising). The CBF tests whether Charities meet strict
quality requirements.

• Your donation will initially go to the bank account of “Stichting Goede Doelen Week Best”, a non-
profit organisation with an ANBI status. As a result, donors can, under certain conditions, receive a
deduction for their donation in their income or corporation tax return.

• At the end of the collection week, “Stichting Goede Doelen Week Best” ensures that the money is
transferred to the participating Charities, in accordance with the forms received.

• The Charity Week Best is organized by volunteers. Organizational costs (printing, collection
materials, etc.) are covered as much as possible by sponsorship. Should this not be sufficient, a
small percentage of the proceeds may be withheld to cover these costs.

How can you participate?

You will receive a form and a return envelope with this letter. The Charity organisations that
participate in Charity Week Best are listed on the form.

• You can select on the form to which Charities you want to donate;

• Enter the amounts on the entry form and add the amounts;

• You can also only fill in a total amount and have it divided over all Charities;

• You donate this total amount to “Stichting Goede Doelen Week Best”. This can be done in various
ways: via QR code, transfer yourself, via a one-off authorization or in cash;

• Put the form in the return envelope (with cash if you choose that option);

• Please have the return envelope ready for the collector. Between 11 and 15 April, the collector will
collect the envelope from you;

• If there is no collector for your street/apartment, please hand-in the return envelope yourselve at
one of the return addresses printed on the envelope and stated on the back of this letter.

Explanation QR code or transfer yourself.
Even if you choose option 1 (use of QR code or transfer yourself), your gift will be processed as you
specify on the form. All committed amounts are added together and compared with the total of the
amounts received in the bank account. It is therefore important that you complete and submit the

Further questions?

Visit our website: or
If you do not find the answer to your question there, you can always contact us via mail

No collector?
Residents who missed the collector or where there is no collector to collect the return envelope, can
hand it in until Tuesday 18 April at one of the addresses below:

-SNS Bank Boterhoek 104
-Plus Erwin Kenter Den Ekker 1B
-Plus Ton Henst Rendierhei 2
-Albert Heijn Wilhelminaplein 6

On behalf of all 23 charities, we thank you for your contribution!

The board of Goede Doelen Week Best

Goede Doelen Week Best is made possible by our partners and friends. Our friends can be found on

our website ( Our partners are:

Click here for the sponsors